Building an Australasian Commons
Creative Commons Australia (Ccau) is hosting the conference, “Building an Australasian Commons” at the State Library of Queensland on 24 June 2008.
From the website:
The event provides an opportunity for those interested in the free internet to come together to exchange ideas, information and inspiration. It brings together experts from Australasia to discuss the latest developments and implementations of Creative Commons in the region. It aims to be an open forum where anyone can voice their thoughts on issues relating to furthering the commons worldwide.
The conference will be followed at 5:30pm by the second Australian ccSalon, which will showcase local talent.
The conference and ccSalon are free, but registration is required.
Creating Value: Between Commerce and Commons
The ARC Centre of Excellence for Creative Industries and Innovation (CCI) will be hosting the “Creating Value: Between Commerce and Commons” conference from Wednesday 25th to Friday 27th June 2008 at the Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre, South Bank.
From the website:
This conference showcases some of the CCI's own research projects, and features papers from academic, business, creative or public policy specialists on many aspects of value-creation in the context of creative industries and innovation.
I will presenting a paper at this conference, entitled, “Promoting Open Access to Research in a Web 2.0 World”.
Rates apply. For more information and to register, visit the CCI website.
Open Access and Research Conference
The OAK Law project (for which I work) is hosting the international “Open Access and Research Conference” on Wednesday 24th to Thursday 25th September 2008 at Stamford Plaza, Brisbane. Post-Conference Workshops will be held on Friday 26th September at Stamford Plaza.
Keynote speakers and distinguished commentators include:
- John Wilbanks, Executive Director of Science Commons
- Alma Swan, Founder of Key Perspectives: Consultants to the scholarly information industry
- Tony Hey, Corporate Vice President of the External Research Division of Microsoft Research
- Dr Terry Cutler, Principal, Cutler & Company
- Professor Mary O’Kane, Director and Executive Chairman of Mary O’Kane & Associates Pty Ltd
- Dr Peter Crossman, Assistant Under Treasurer (OESR) and Government Statistician
- Stevan Harnad, School of Electronics and Computer Science, University of Southampton
- Dr Richard Jefferson, CEO & Founder, CAMBIA and the BiOS Initiative
- Professor Tom Cochrane, DVC QUT Division of Technology, Information and Learning Support
- Professor Brian Fitzgerald, OAK Law Project and QUT Law Faculty
- Dr Rhys Francis, Executive Director, Australian eResearch Infrastructure Council
- Maarten Wilbers, Deputy Legal Counsel, CERN Legal Services